EEE 2nd Sem Reg-13 Syllabus

Anna University Syllabus EEE Regulation 2013, 2nd Sem Available for Download

Since there are numerous changes in science and developments in engineering, changing the syllabi plays a vital role in students’ development. Anna university defines the syllabus for students of different streams and different programs periodically. This post is related to the EEE syllabus 2nd-sem regulation-2013. Usually, they change by four years in the name of the regulation.

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Reg-13 EEE 2nd sem syllabus from Anna University

 The Department of EEE deals with the study of the functional application of electricity. Also, it explains the design and development of various components, circuits, electronic devices, the performance of the machine, power generation, etc. That is one of the reasons for the field to get admired by most of the students. Here in the post, you can find the fourth semester Anna University EEE syllabus PDF files. So you guys don’t have any hassle because we already uploaded whatever you need for your studies.

Binil’s Android Application – Anna University, Polytechnic & School App Play Store link

Download EEE Syllabus Files Here Below

The files specially crafted for you are available here below to download in PDF format. Kindly do share so that your friends can also find quality study materials.


HS6251 Technical English-II Syllabus – DOWNLOAD

MA6251 Mathematics-II Syllabus – DOWNLOAD

PH6251 Engineering Physics-II Syllabus – DOWNLOAD

CY6251 Engineering Chemistry-II Syllabus – DOWNLOAD

GE6251 Basic Civil and Mechanical Engineering Syllabus – DOWNLOAD

EE6201 Circuit Theory Syllabus – DOWNLOAD

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