Anna University 7th Sem Civil SYllabus

Anna University Syllabus for Civil Regulation 2013 for 7th Semester Files Download

We hope you are doing Civil Engineering at Anna University. The syllabus is the pathway to get adequate knowledge at your degree. Therefore, candidates who are preparing for the exams must first know the syllabi. Here is the Civil syllabus 7th sem offered by Anna University.

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BE Civil Syllabus 7th Sem Syllabus PDF Files for Free

Civil Engineering is one of the core departments of engineering, which deals with the construction, development, environmental supervision, maintenance, safety, and shelter for the public. That makes civil engineering very popular in the field. Here we provide you the 7th sem Civil syllabus in PDF file format. Moreover, we are providing you the syllabi for each subject separately. So you guys don’t have any hassle because we already uploaded whatever you need for your studies.

Download individual Civil Syllabus 7th Sem PDF Files Here Below

Students can download the syllabus given in the link below. The team is here to guide the students for their better learning. We also offer question banks, university questions, and notes for various departments. Besides Engineering, we do for schooling students too.

Binil’s Android Application – Anna University, Polytechnic & School App Play Store link


CE6701 Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Syllabus – DOWNLOAD

CE6702 Prestressed Concrete Structures Syllabus – DOWNLOAD

CE6703 Water Resources and Irrigation Engineering Syllabus – DOWNLOAD

CE6704 Estimation and Quantity Surveying Syllabus – DOWNLOAD


CE6006 Traffic Engineering and Management Syllabus – DOWNLOAD

CE6007 Housing Planning and Management Syllabus – DOWNLOAD

CE6008 Groundwater Engineering Syllabus – DOWNLOAD


CE6012 Ground Improvement Techniques Syllabus – DOWNLOAD

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